Thank you for your response and purchases of Quint's artwork. We apologize for selling out so quickly or if you didn't see something you liked. Like many artists, Quint was most inspired by seasonal changes. After painting more than usual throughout spring, summer and fall 2019, he took a short break and got back to work for his very last art season. Shortly after the holiday break, the remainder of Quint's art sold out.
Unlike all previous Quint painting sales, which were used to benefit cats in need of food, help and medical care, all proceeds from his final paintings went toward building the Colehaus Cats emergency vet and housing fund. Due to job layoffs, financial strain and the very real potential of losing our home, we regret being unable to continue offering Quint's art.
Thank you for allowing Quint to develop a passion for painting over the years. Quint thanks you for purchasing from his art shop and helping him help keep food and shelter available for all the Colehaus Cats.